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The Salafi College
Al-Qawaa`id al-Muthlaa (the Lofty Principles)   (4 Articles)
The Exemplary Principles Concerning the Names and Attributes: The Third Principle
Looking at the names of Allaah from the point of view of the verbal origin of the Name, and whether it is transitive or non-transitive, which determines whether belief in two or three matters is required. [07-Jan-02 : 12:00 AM]
The Exemplary Principles Concerning the Names and Attributes: The Second Principle
Illustrating the rule that the Names of Allaah comprise two matters, firstly the name as a title, and secondly, what it indicates of the attribute, and the necessity of having faith in both matters. [07-Jan-02 : 12:00 AM]
The Exemplary Principles Concerning the Names and Attributes: The First Principle
Beginning with the first principle which is that all of Allaah's Names are Beautiful and Perfect and that the beauty of each Name is expressed by itself or in combination with another name. [03-Jan-02 : 08:55 PM]
The Exemplary Principles Concerning the Names and Attributes: Introduction
The introduction to the book and the status that Islaam has given to knowing the Beatiful Names and Attributes of Allaah. [03-Jan-02 : 12:00 AM]

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