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Ritual Purification
  Al-Iqna' of Ibn al-Mundhir : Section Dealing With Ritual Purity
Author: The Imaam, Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ibraaheem bin al
Article ID : IBD020001  [42302]  
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"The polytheists said, 'indeed your Prophet teaches you [in such detail] that he even teaches you about excretion!' [Salmaan] said, 'for sure, he forbade us from cleaning the private parts with dung or bone and he said: it does not suffice any of you to use less than three stones.'" {12}

  • One. It is sufficient to use three stones in the case that the impurity is removed. It is not valid to use less than three stones.
  • Two. If the impurity is not removed by using three stones then more should be employed until the impurity is removed. {13}
  • Three. Any emission outside urine and excretion requires water to cleanse it [with the exception of wind].
  • Four. Cleaning oneself after urinating is done in the same way as cleaning oneself after excreting [with three or more stones].
  • Five. It is valid to clean the private parts by using clods of dry and solid earth, wood, cloth, papyrus, pieces of moulded clay and other such things.
  • Six. The private parts are not to be cleaned using dung.
  • Seven. They are not to be cleaned using something that has already been employed to clean unless it is first purified.
  • Eight. The private parts are not to be cleaned using bones or anything impure. {14}
  • Nine. It is recommended to employ water to clean the private parts.
  • Ten. If both stones and water are used then this is good. {15}
  • Eleven. It is recommended to wipe ones hand with earth or anything that would take its place and then wash the hand after cleaning the private parts. {16}
  • Twelve. When he leaves the toilet he should say, "Asking your forgiveness." {17}


{12} Muslim [Eng. Trans.], Abu Daawood [Eng. Trans. 1/2 no. 7], at-Tirmidhee [no. 16], ibn Maajah [no. 316], ad-Daaruqutnee [1/54], al-Bayhaqee [1/91, 1/102], ibn Khuzaymah [no. 74], Ahmad [5/437], at-Tayaalisee [no. 654], Abu Awaanah [2/217] and ibn al-Jaarood [no. 29]
{13} Preferably an odd number due to the hadeeth reported by Abu Daawood [Eng. Trans. 1/8 no. 35], "whosoever uses stones to clean himself then let him use an odd number. Whosoever does this has done well but whosever does not has incurred no blame." This hadeeth is taken to refer to employing stones in excess of three in order to reconcile it with the above hadeeth. 'Tuhfatul Ahwadhee' [1/67], 'Majmu`' [2/120]
However some of the scholars such as al-Albaanee do not consider this hadeeth to be authentic. - {Trans.}
{14} At-Tirmidhee [no. 18] reports from Abdullaah bin Mas`ud (RA) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) said, "do not clean your private parts using dung or bones for they are the provisions for your brothers amongst the Jinn." Other narrations show that the bones are food for the Jinn and the dung is food for their riding beasts. - 'Tuhfatul Ahwadhee' [1/75]
{15} Al-Ainee said, "the opinion of the majority of the Salaf and later generations, that which those possessing the ability to give legal ruling are agreed upon in all of the various lands, is that the best course is to combine between [employing both] water and stones. First the stones are used and then the water. In this way the amount of impurity touched by the hand is minimised and the highest level of cleanliness is achieved. If however one wishes to use one of the two then the use of water is better because it removes the impurity as well as its smell. Stones remove only the impurity but it is still valid to use only them and the prayer would still be valid." - 'Tuhfatul Ahwadhee' [1/78]
- {Trans}
{16} Abu Daawood [Eng. Trans. 1/11 no. 45] reports from Abu Hurayrah (RA) that "when the Prophet (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) went to the privy, I took water to him in a small vessel or skin and he cleansed himself and then wiped his hand on the ground. I then took to him another vessel and he performed ablution."
{17} At-Tirmidhee [no. 5]

CHAPTER SIX : The Tooth Stick (Siwaak)

7. Abu Bakr narrated to us; Alee bin al-Hasan narrated to us; Ya`laa narrated to us; Mas`ar narrated to us; from al-Miqdaam bin Shurayh; from his father who said:

"I asked Aa`ishah: what did the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) use to begin with when he entered his house? She replied: [he used to commence] with employing the Tooth Stick." {18}

  • One. If one desires to perform ritual ablution then he should commence with the tooth stick because the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) used to do so when he entered his house.
  • Two. One should employ the tooth stick whenever one performs ritual ablution and when one wakes for the night prayer. {19}


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