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General Issues Pertaining to the Prayer
  The Importance of Prayer Within Its Proper Time
Author: Hussain al-Awaa'ishah
Source: As-Salaat Wa Atharuhaa Fee Ziyaadatil Eemaan (Trans Abu Iyaad)
Article ID : IBD060007  [63155]  
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Uthmaan bin Abi Rawwaad, the brother of Abdul-Azeez said: I heard Zuhree say: I entered upon Anas bin Maalik in Damascus and he was crying. So I said to him: What makes you cry? He said: I do not recognise anything which I used to know except this prayer and this prayer is being wasted/neglected.[6]

Ibn Hajr said in 'Fath ul-Baari': Al-Muhallib said: "And the meaning of 'wasting it' is delaying it past its proper, recommended time, not that they perform it outside its time limit." Ibn Hajr differed with this in his explanation which he mentions in his book and says that the meaning is performing the prayer outside its stated times.

I say: The poet has spoken the truth here:

I said they are both bitter (even) the sweeter of the two is bitter

Anas (ra) wept over this matter and yet what are we doing. What is that thing which is desirable for us to do. Is it not befitting for us that we make the plants to grow with our tears?! Due to our neglect and wasting of the prayer and likewise the rest of Allaah's commands.

Ubaadah bin Saamit (ra) said: I testify that I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) say: "Allaah Azzawajall has made five prayers obligatory. Whoever beautifies the wudhoo, prays them at their proper times, and completes the rukoo', the sujood and khushoo within them, has a covenant with Allaah that He will forgive him.Whoever does not do that then he has no covenant with Allaah and if Allaah wills He will forgive him and if He wills He will punish him."[7]

Ka'b bin Ujra (ra) said: The Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) came to us and we were a group of seven, four of us were freed slaves and the remaining three had not been slaves formerly. Our backs were against the wall of the mosque and he said: "Why are you sitting down?" We said: We were waiting for the prayer. He (Ka'b) said: So he paused for a while, then turned to us and said: "Do you know what your Lord says?" We said: No. He said: "Indeed your Lord says: Whoever performs the prayer at its time, preserves it in this manner constantly, and does not waste it deeming its true worth to be insignificant has a covenant with Me that I shall enter him into Paradise. And whoever does not perform the prayer at its proper time, preserve it in this manner constantly and wastes it considering its true worth to be insignificant has no covenant with me. If I will I shall punish Him and if I will I shall forgive Him."[8]

Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (ra) said: The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) passed by his companions one day and said to them: "Do you know what your Lord, the Blessed and Exalted says?" They said: Allaah and His Messenger know best. The Messenger said this three times and then said: "By My Power and Magnificence non prays them at their proper times except I will enter Him into Paradise and whoever prays them at other than their times, if I will I shall show mercy to Him and if I will I shall punish him."[9]


[1] Surah Nisaa 4:103
[2] Reported by Bukhaaree
[3] Surah Maa'oon 107:5
[4] Reported by Abu Ya'laa with a Hasan isnaad and it is also in [Saheeh ut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb], no. 575.
[5] Reported by Bukhaaree, Chapter: Delaying the Prayer Past its Proper Time.
[6] Reported by Bukhaaree, Chapter: Delaying the Prayer Past its Proper Time.
[7] Reported by Maalik, Abu Daawood, an-Nasaaee and Ibn Hibbaan declared it Saheeh. It is also in [Saheeh ut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb], no. 396.
[8] Reported by at-Tabaraanee in [Al-Kabeer] and [al-Awsat], by Ahmad and it is also in [Saheeh ut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb], no.397.
[9] Reported by at-Tabaraanee in [al-Kabeer] and it is also in [Saheeh ut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb], no. 398.

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