So this is proof, from the Qur’aan, Sunnah and the
Salaf, that eemaan increases and decreases.
Inshaa’allaah this much is sufficient for a good
understanding of this topic…
All praise is due to Allaah, prayers and peace upon His
Final Messenger, Muhammad, his family and his companions.
Try to answer the following questions to make sure you
have understood all of this;
Give the definition of eemaan.
What is meant by ‘speech’ and
Explain each of the following: the speech of the
heart, the speech of the tongue, the actions of the heart, the actions
of the tongue, the actions of the limbs. Please give an example for each
one aswell.
Why does eemaan increase and decrease.
Quote two verses of the Qur’aan which
highlight the necessity of ‘the Speech of the Heart’.
Quote three verses of the Qur’aan to show
that eemaan increases and decreases.
Quote two hadeeth to show that eemaan increases
and decreases.
What is the link between Tawheed and the
components of eemaan? (See if you can reproduce the diagram to help you
answer this).
Finally, an astray sect appeared around the time
of the taabi’een who claimed that eemaan is constant, it does not
increase or decrease. Do you know its name? The effects of the false
understanding of this group are still present today so if you think over
this lesson, can you recognise some of the signs of this misguided group
and can you see how many groups and individuals still have some aspects
of the understanding of this astray group?
See if you can answer all of these questions
inshaa’allaah. If you have follow up questions, you can ask them next
30th October