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On the Innovation of al-Muwaazanah   (6 Articles)
Shaikh's al-Abbaad and al-Lahaydaan on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah
The two Shaikhs speak on this evil innovation which has been promoted in order to break down the barrier between Ahl us-Sunnah and the Heads of Innovation. [11-Mar-01 : 12:00 AM]
Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah
The Shaikh speaks against one of the main Innovations of the Era, and explains Shaikh Rabee's role in refuting it. [11-Mar-01 : 12:00 AM]
Imaam Ibn Uthaimeen on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah
The Shaikh clarifies the newly invented technique employed by the partisans to belittle the affair of Innovation and its people and to justify propounding adulterated methodologies in the name of taking the good from the bad. [04-Mar-01 : 09:00 AM]
Imaam Ibn Baaz on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah
Imaam Ibn Baaz speaks on what has become a Trojan Horse for the partisans, used to enter the methodologies of the Innovators into the ranks of Ahl us-Sunnah. [04-Mar-01 : 08:57 AM]
Imaam al-Albaani on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah (2)
Part of a brief dialogue with Imaam al-Albaani on the Bid'ah of the Era and the way of the Innovators in promoting their innovation. [04-Mar-01 : 08:54 AM]
Imaam al-Albaani on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah (1)
Imaam al-Albaani gives clarification about the role and position of al-Muwaazanah and how it is a contemporary innovation, invented by the seekers of fame and glory. [16-Feb-01 : 10:11 PM]

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