Hassan al-Banna |
Refutation of Shaikh Ibn Jibreen by the People of Knowledge on the Issue of Qutb and Bannaa |
Source: SalafiPublications.Com |
Article ID : NDV020002 [83686] |
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All praise is due to Allaah and prayers and peace be upon Allaah's Messenger. To proceed. In light of the continued, persistent, unrelenting, incessant use by the Ahl ul-Ahwaa amongst the Qutubiyyoon, Harakiyyoon, amongst the disciples and devotees of Sayyid Qutb, of the statements of some of the scholars, such as Shaikh Ibn Jibreen, in order to discredit the great efforts of Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee in refuting the chiefs of Innovation of the last century (and which have been met with nothing but praise and reccommendation by the great scholars, such as Imaam Ibn Baaz, Imaam al-Albaani, Imaam Ibn Uthaymeen, Imaam Muqbil, Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan and others), then it is necessary to make Ahl us-Sunnah aware of the following, as a means of giving rest and satisfaction to them, and as a means of further bewildering the Ashaabul Ahwaa - may Allaah restrain their evil and deceit.
1. The Shaikh, Ibn Jibreen got involved with the Qutubiyyah such as Salmaan al-Awdah in the Mis'ari affair (the setting up of CDLR). This changed his perceptions towards some of the Innovators such as Sayyid Qutb and Hassan al-Banna, making him think that they were scholars like the scholars of the past, like Ibn Hajr and an-Nawawi and their likes, who were from Ahl us-Sunnah but erred in certain areas. This whole farce (of al-Mis'ari, Doc. Fitnah) was lambasted by Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen who called it a route to evil and mischief and the likes. However, what is important is that the Shaikh's involvement with these people influenced his outlook.
2. This led the Shaikh to find fault with Shaikh Rabee' and his refutations of Sayyid Qutb and the Qutubiyyah - and led him to utter baseless statements against the Shaikh. Rather, the Shaikh opposed what the rest of the scholars, had unanimously agreed upon, which was the praise and commendation for Shaikh Rabee' in his refutations and expositions of Sayyid Qutb, and also of the Qutubiyyah like Safar and Salman and others who raised the flag of extremist Irjaa' towards the Mockers of the Messengers, Revilers of the Caliphs, Mukaffirs of the Companions and Utterers of statements of] Kufr and Apostasy. It also led the Shaikh to write letters to other scholars, such as the noble Shaikh, Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee, asking them not to write books in refutation of Hassan al-Banna and the defunct, bankrupt, brotherhood.
3. The extremist Murji'ah of the Era, to whom no sins, until even statements of kufr or apostasy, and the worst of innovations in aqeedah, do not harm a person's Imaan, so long as there is talk of Haakimiyyah, and from whom not even a word of rejection to these calamities is ever heard, then rejoiced with what occurred from Shaikh Ibn Jibreen, using that to vilify Ahl us-Sunnah, the Salafis, the Atharis, who were upon the manhaj of the major scholars, the Imaams of the era, and who gave sincerity to the Book of Allaah, the Messenger and to the common folk by defending the honour of the Messengers, the honour of the Caliphs and Companions and who spoke for the sanctity of the Islamic aqeedah, by way of clarifying the manhaj and aqeedah of the Salaf by exposing the penetration of mainstream Ikhwaani thought (both the Qutubi and Bannaawi strains) into the ranks of the Salafis - and by purging these elements, and separating them out.
4. Then, walhamdulillaah, as was inevitable, some from the people of knowledge stood to refute what had come from Shaikh Ibn Jibreen of baseless accusations, and amongst them Shaikh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee himself, and also Shaikh Zaid bin Muhammad Haadee al-Madkhalee, both of whom refuted Ibn Jibreen's statements in defence of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb respectively.