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Tafsir Ibn Kathir
  Tafsir of Surah Baqarah (2) Verse 268
Author: Ibn Kathir
Source: Trans. Abu Iyaad
Article ID : TFS040001  [36306]  

The shaytaan threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promises you his forgiveness and bounties. And Allah cares for all and He knows all things. [Baqarah 2:268]

And the speech of Allaah "The shaytaan threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allaah promises you his forgiveness and bounties. And Allaah cares for all and He knows all things." Ibn Abi Haatim said on the authority of Abdullah bin Ma'sood who said that the Messenger of Allaah (S.A.W.S) said "Verily, shaytaan exercises his influence upon the son of Aadam and so does the angel exercise his influence (upon him). The influence of shaytaan is that he holds the promise of evil and denial/rejection of truth. And the influence of the angel is that he holds the promise of good and the affirmation of the truth. He who perceives this (that is the promise of good and the affirmation of truth), he should understand that it is from Allaah, so he should praise Allaah, and he who finds contrary to it he should seek refuge (in Allaah) from shaytaan." thereupon he recited "The shaytaan threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allaah promises you his forgiveness and bounties." (upto) the (end of the) ayah [Ibn Abi Hatim, Tirmidhi].

And the meaning of the speech of Allah "The shaytaan threatens you with poverty" that is, frightened of poverty so that you hold what is in your hands and so you don’t spend for the pleasure of Allaah. "And he (shaytaan) bids you to conduct unseemly" meaning besides preventing you from spending for fear of poverty, he commands you in disobedience and in sin and in what has been made haraam and to be in contradiction (disobedient) to the Creator. Allaah the Exalted said "And Allaah promises you His forgiveness and bounties" meaning, in contrast to what shaytaan commands you, in the shameful (unseemly conduct) "and bounties" meaning, in contrast to what shaytaan makes you fear of poverty " and Allaah cares for all and knows all things."


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