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Al-Qadaa wal-Qadr (Divine Ordainment and Predetermination)
  The Four Levels of the Belief in al-Qadr
Author: Dr. Saleh as-Saleh
Article ID : AQD090001  [113134]  
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E.g.: The hadeeth of istikhara, whereby the Muslim asks for Allahs guidance in a certain affair saying
"O my Lord, I ask your guidance due to your knowledge and appeal to you to help me (give me power) due to your ability, and ask you from your great favour, for you are able and I am not, you know and I don't and you know all hidden matters. 0 Allah if you know that this matter (and you name it) is good for me in my deen, my livelihood,, the aftermath of my matter (also for my life in the Hereafter) its long term and short term then decree it for me, make it easy for me and bestow blessings in it for me. And if you know that this matter is bad for me in my deen, livelihood, the aftermath of my matter, its long term and short term, then keep it away from me and turn me away from it and for me the good wherever it is and then content me with it." (Bukhari).

The slave of Allah needs to know what benefits him in his livelihood. Is he able to achieve it? is it going to be easy or not? Certainly Allah taught him from what he taught man. So the knowledge is His. The slaves ability is from Allah, otherwise he is weak, making matters easy is also from Allah. If He does not make things easy for His slave they will turn out difficult. The prophet directed the Muslim to the essence of Uboodiyah. Asking guidance from the one who is All Knowing about the Mter math of every task, its details, its good and its bad; seeking the help and Ability from the All Able, Asking His favour by making the matters easy for him. If Allah guides him due to his ability and makes it easy for him. If Allah guides him due to His knowledge, helps him due to his Ability and makes it easy for him due to His favour, then he needs Allahs help to preserve his guidance and to bestow blessings in it, so that his matter (what he asked for) becomes firm and grows. The person requests that Allah makes him content with His choice, otherwise Allah may choose what the person dislikes not knowing that it is good for him. Abdullah ibn Umar said, "The person asks Allaah for guidance and Allah gives him. However he turns angry on His Lord, only to look at the aftermath and find that Allah indeed has chosen (what is good) for him."

The maqdoor (what shall happen according to Allahs divine decree) is sheltered by 2 things:

1. Istikhara, before (i.e. before the maqdoor is manifested) and
2. Ridha (content) after (i.e. after its manifestation)

Part of the success which Allah bestows on His slave is to guide him to Istikara before the manifestation of the maqdoor and to contentment after it happens. Part of Allah's  humiliation of His slave is when he does not make Istikhara before the maqdoor occurs and does not become content with it after it happens.


A. Fifty Thousand Years Before The Creation of the heavens and the Earth

Al Kitabah means that Allah wrote everything about the creation. He has written what He says and what He does and all that comes to existence due to His actions and sayings. All is written in Umm ul kitab (lit: the mother of the book) known also as (al-Lauh al-Mahfoudh) The preserved tablet and (Ad dhikr) the original book of records. Allah says which means):

"Do not you know that Allah knows All that is in the Heaven and on earth? Verily, it is all in the book. Verily! That is easy for Allah"(22:70)

The prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) explained that "Allah had written the ordained measures (and due proportions) of the creation, fifty thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth and His Arsh was on the water" (saheeh Muslim v4 pg. 1397)

Allah ordered The Pen (Al-qalam) to write the records of all preordained measures and qualities unit; the hour is established.

Narrated Abee Hafsah: Ubaadah bin saamit said to his son: "Oh son! You shall not get the true sense of eemaan until you know that what has befallen you was not going to miss you and what missed you was not going to befall upon you. I heard the prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying:

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