'Al-Bootee versus a leading Salafee Teacher' is a debate translated by Nuh Ha
Meem Keller from the book 'Laa Madh-habiyyah' of Sa`eed Ramadaan al-Bootee in
which he apparently makes this Salafee Teacher look like a fool. The full text
can be found on Mas`ud Khan's Homepage.
Ever since I first read this debate I remember being astonished at some of
the answers that this Salafee Teacher gave, knowing that even a beginner in
Salafeeyyah would not have answered in some of the ways these questions put by
al-Bootee were answered. I therefore concluded that this narrative must have
been grossly exaggerated by al-Bootee, especially since it was obvious that he
was quoting from memory and not from a tape or book, however I kept my
suspicions quiet as I had no proof.
Recently while reading through the book 'Bid`atut Ta`assub al-Madh-habiyyah'
by Shaykh Eed al-Abbaasee I came to realise that the Salafee Teacher mentioned
above was none other then this noble Shaykh! This because he presents a chapter
in his book devoted to this debate in which he outlines the gross lies that
al-Bootee leveled against him. In one of the points he brings [which will be
translated later insha`Allaah] he openly calls al-Bootee to a Mubaahalah to show
which of the two is lying.
What follows is a translation from the book [pp. 291+]
I have included excerpts from relevant passages from Kellers translation and
then listed the comments of the Shaykh.
The Text
Al-Bootee concluded 'Laa Madh-habiyyah' by narrating a specific debate that
occurred between myself and him claiming that this section was more important
than all of the previous sections [of his book] because it clearly showed a
sectarianism that would not be found in any intelligent person.
Then he narrated this debate in a distorted fashion and a way that was far
removed from what actually occurred. We have already seen a glimpse at the lies
he directed against al-Ma`soomee, may Allaah have mercy upon him, and the
Salafees in general while his book and the books of the Salafees are freely
available! So after this it is not strange that he should lie against me when
this debate was not public, neither was it recorded and no one witnessed it
except a few people. However these people are still alive so whosoever wishes to
establish what follows then let him ask them.
Al-Bootee wrote as translated by Keller:
Bootee: I dropped the question and said, "all right. Is it obligatory
upon every Muslim to examine the evidences for the positions of the Imams and
adopt the closest of them to the Qur`aan and Sunnah?"
Salafee [i.e. al-Abbaasee]: "yes."
Shaykh Eed al-Abbaasee says:
I bring Allaah, the Mighty and Magnificent, to witness that this quote is a
complete and utter lie, totally concocted! For I never answered in this fashion
and neither is it conceivable that I would give this answer! Rather I said to
him what he quoted from me after the next sentence, "the people are divided
into three categories - the Muqallid, the Muttabi` and the
Furthermore this second quote he brings goes to show the fallacy of his first
quote for it in no way conforms to it. Again I bring Allaah to witness that I
repeatedly mentioned to him that I agreed with him in that the one incapable of
investigating and studying [in a scholarly fashion] must perform taqleed and
that this was not the topic of our discussion. The difference occurred in the
case of the one who was capable of studying and investigating from those who
were included in the level of Mujtahid and Muttabi`, however he kept on
returning to the case of the one who was incapable of investigation. Then after
all of this he lies and writes in his book this fabricated response from me.
Indeed Allaah will bring him to account!
Al-Bootee wrote as translated by Keller:
Bootee: "That is something else, and is true without a doubt and without
any disagreement among the scholars. But is there any problem with him following
a particular mujtahid, knowing that Allaah has not obliged him to do
Salafee: "There is no problem."
Bootee: [Al-Khajnadi's] al-Karras, which you teach from, contradicts you. It
says that this is unlawful, in some places actually asserting that someone who
adheres to a particular Imam and no other is an unbeliever (kafir)."
Salafee: He said, "where?" and began looking at the Karras,
considering its texts and expressions, reflecting on the words of the author
"Whoever follows one of them in particular in all questions is a blind,
imitating, mistaken bigot and is "among those who have divided their
religion and are parties" [Qur`an 30:32]. He said, "By follows, he
means someone who believes it legally obligatory for him to do so. The wording
is a little incomplete."