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Abdur-Razzaq ash-Shayijee
  Refuting Shayijee : Introduction
Author: Faalih Bin Talee'ah
Source: Translated by Abu Iyaad as-Salafi
Article ID : NDV100001  [31593]  


All praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds and Prayers and Peace upon His trustworthy Messenger

To proceed:

Dr. Abdur-Razzaaq ash-Shayijee wrote a book called: Khutoot al-Areedah Li Usool Addiaa as-Salafiyyah al-Jadeedah" (Broad Aspects of the Principles of the Claimants of New Salafism) and in this book he ascribed certain principles to an astray group - as he sees it - and he made much confusion in these principles in that he entered along with the false principles certain [true and correct] principles of the Salaf - those by which the first and foremost [in faith] and those following them from the Ahl us-Sunnah spoke with.

And his intent by that was to censure and revile the Salafis, especially those who play a big role in exposing what the methodologies of the innovatory groups contain - amongst the qutubiyyah - of which ash-Shaayijee is a supporter and aider. He did this by using generalisations and equivocations. And Dr. Mubaarak bin Saif - may Allaah reward him - refuted him and exposed some of his deceptions and revealed those whom ash-Shaayijee meant by his writings by mentioning their names. But this did not cause him but to remove the covering of modesty from himself and to produce another book called: "Adwaa alaa Fikr Duaat as-Salafiyyah al-Jadeedah" (Illuminations over the Thought of the Callers of New Salafism') and this book was more evil than the one before it. In it he said: "Those whom I intended by the first book were the people of Madinah&" and they are the ones who have excelled in fighting against all the [false] ideas.

Then he reviled and slandered them and tried his best to separate them from their brothers, the other well-known and senior scholars and he did everything he could until he resorted to clear lying and forging as well as being far removed from justice and knowledge of manhaj&and his greatest concern with all of this was an attack upon the esteemed Shaikh Rabee bin Haadee al-Madkhalee and one of this statements : "...& save that Shaikh Rabee in our estimation is not one of the notable scholars, O Allaah, but that he is an Imaam in all of these calamities and sins that he has carried upon the people of Islaam" (p. 86).

And he also said: "And if it were not that the some of the youth quote the books of Shaikh Rabee then no one would have tasked himself in refuting them because they emanate from falsehood, intolerance and oppression". (p. 51)

And at the same time he defends in every way the one who attacks the khalifah, Uthmaan bin Affaan (radiallaahu anhu) and the one who attacks the honour of the Prophets of Allaah Jalla wa Alaa and the one who attacks the way of the Salaf in the issue of the Names and Attributes and other issues of belief.

And the action of this man is strange in that he makes the people think that he is upon the same way as Shaikh al-Albaanee and Shaikh Ibn Baaz and Bikr Abu Zaid and the one whom he relies upon much in his book - while he is free from him.

And one of the clearest proofs of his contradictory claims is that he regards the greatest principles of this innovatory group to be that it is not necessary to mention the good points/deeds of an innovator whilst speaking against him - declaring groups like Ikhwaan, Tabligh, as innovatory - that the ways and means of dawah are restricted [by the Quran and Sunnah] (tawqeefiyyah) - but along with this, every single one of these principles has been spoken of by the senior scholars - rather the very same scholars he has depended upon.

Both Shaikh al-Albaanee Shaikh Bin Baaz and Shaikh Bikr bin Abu Zaid say that the ways and means of dawah are tawqeefiyyah and Shaikh Bikr Abu Zaid authored a book in explanation of the innovatory nature of the Islamic groups, those very same ones that ash-Shaayijee defends, and this book is Hukm ul-Intimaa (The Ruling on Membership&). And as for the principle of counterbalancing between the good and bad points (of an individual) then many of the scholars have destroyed it, and at the head of them Shaikh Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz.

And all of this confusion and deception is nothing other than a defence for the duaat of fitnah (callers of tribulation) and the aiders and supporters of the People of Innovation, those whose names he does not make clear - and that is because he knows that many of the scholars - especially those whom he depends upon - will soon oppose him and differ with him. And so that he is not exposed he suffices himself with generalising - and this his well known path that he always takes!

And these pages which are in front of you - dear reader - I will try - if Allaah wills - within them to explain the principles which ash- Shaayijee has mentioned and has declared them to be from among the astray principles while they are the very principles of Ahl us-Sunnah - then I will narrate the sayings of the scholars with respect to them so that it becomes clear that these principles have not only been spoken of by the shaikhs of Madinah alone, or Shaikh Rabee alone.

And as for the principles which he has invented and forged and then accused them with these principles - so I will explain - inshaaallaah - his lies regarding the scholars and at the same time against Shaikh Rabee because he thinks "that he is the propounder [of the thought] of this group, the carrier of its flag and its sole source."


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