Signs of Love
Allaah has established two signs for people who love Him:
- Ittibaa' Ar-Rasool;
- Al-Jihaad fee sabeelillaah;
This is because the reality of al-Jihaad is the striving
to accomplish that which Allaah loves of imaan and the righteous deeds, and the
repulsion of that which Allaah hates of al-Kufr, al-Fusooq and disobedience.
Say: If your fathers, your sons,
your brothers, your wives, your kindred, your wealth that you have gained, the commerce in
which you fear a decline, and the dwelling in which you delight are dearer to you than
Allaah and His Messenger and striving hard and fighting in his cause, then wait until
Allaah brings about His decision (torment), and Allaah guides not rebellious folk. [Soorah al-Tawbah ayah 24]
The Messenger
said, By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, no one among you will believe until
I become more beloved to him than his children, his parents and all mankind together. [Bukhaaree & Muslim]
'Umar ibn al-Khattaab (RA) said, "O
Messenger of Allaah, you are more beloved to me than anything else except myself"
Then the Messenger of Allaah
"No, O 'Umar! Until I become more beloved to you than yourself." 'Umar (RA) then
replied, "Then, by Allaah, you are more beloved to me than my own self," then
the Messenger of Allaah
"Now, O 'Umar." [Bukhaaree & Muslim]
The reality of loving someone is never complete except by
having loyalty to the beloved one, that is, to comply with him by loving what he
loves and hating what he hates.
Love motivates the will of the heart. The stronger the
love, the more the heart seeks the accomplishment of the beloved things. If love
is to be complete, it will require a firm will in achieving beloved things.
The Messenger
said, "Whoever calls for guidance will have a reward similar to the
reward of those who follow him, without diminishing any of their reward. And whoever calls
for misguidence will have a burden similar to the burdens of those who follow him, without
diminshing any of their reward." [Muslim]
The Messenger
said, "Verily, in Al-Madeenah there are men who never embarked on a
jouney nor passed a valley but they were with you." The Sahaabah said, "And they
are still in Al-Madeenah?" He
said, "Yes, and they are still in Al- Madeenah; they were prevented (from travelling
with you) by their excuse." [Bukhaaree & Muslim]
If al-'abd abandons that which he is able to do of al-
Jihaad it becomes an indication of the weak love.
Beloved goals cannot be attained except by enduring
hateful consequences regardless of whether the love is righteous or corrupt.
If those who love Allaah and His Messenger
do not endure ... it shows his weak love.
Mu'min has more love for Allaah as He Ta'aala said:
And of mankind are some who take
(for wonship) others besides Allaah as rivals (to Allaah). They love them as they love
Allaah. But those who believe love Allaah more (than anything else). If only, those who do
wrong had but known, when they see the torment, that all power belongs to Allaah and that
Allaah is severe in punishment. [Soorah Al-Baqarah ayah 165]
The lover, because of weakness of mind and corrupt
reasoning, may take a route that will not reach the desired goal. Such a route
is not praised even if the love itself is righteous and praise-worthy. Then,
what if the love is faulty and the route is a dead end?
The heart is inherently in need of Allaah from two
- worship; this is the purposive motive;
- seeking help & reliance; this is the effective
The heart will not be righteous, successful, contented,
pleased, assured except by the worship of Allaah, love of Him and repentance to
Him, because it has an inherent need for its Lord.
This will never occur except by the help of Allaah.
It is You we worship, and it is
from You we seek help. [Soorah Al-Faatihah ayah 5]
He will never escape the pains of this world and its
distress except by making his love sincere and pure for Allaah in such a way as
to make Allaah his ultimate desire and the end of his every intention.