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Khushoo` and Beautification of the Prayer
  Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee and His Comments Regarding the Prayer
Author: Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisee
Source: Mukhtasir Minhaaj al-Qaasideen (Eng. Trans. by Abu `Iyad as-Salafi)
Article ID : IBD060002  [35042]  
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Try to feel modesty in your rukoo’ and humility in your sujood because in such a position you have placed the soul in its proper place. In sujood you have returned the limbs to their place of origin, upon the dust from which they were created. Understand also the meaning of the remembrances with inclination and zeal.

Know that performing the prayer with these internal conditions is a cause of the purity of the heart from adulteration and pollution, of obtaining the lights by which the Might and Greatness of the One Who is worshipped is realised and of discovering His secrets and none understands them except those grounded in knowledge (the scholars).

As for the one who is standing performing the external actions without knowing their significance or meanings he will not realise or discover any of the above, rather he will reject that it exists.

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