Selected Tafsir of the Qur`an |
Tafsir of Surah an-Nazi`aat |
Author: Various Authors (Ibn Kathir, Baghawi, Tabari etc.) |
Source: Compiled by Dawud Burbank |
Article ID : TFS020001 [42983] |
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- As-Sa’dee said, "Meaning, your warning will benefit those who
fear the coming of the Last Hour, and who fear standing in front of Allaah.
So they are the ones who are not interested except in preparing for it and
in action for it. As for those who do not believe in it, then they are not
to be taken notice of, nor of their useless questions. Since they are
questions based upon denial and obstinate rejection. So when this is the
case, answering that would be frivolity, and the Most Just of all judges is
far removed from that."
Ka-annahum Yawma Yarawnahaa Lam Yalbithoo Illaa ’Ashiyyatan Aw Duhaahaa
- At-Tabaree said, "He, the Majestic, says, ‘It will be when
those who reject the Last Hour, see the Hour established, along with its
great terrors, it will be as if they had not remained in the world except
for an afternoon, or the morning of that afternoon/evening … so the
(duhaa) means the start of the day-time, and the
(’ashiyy) means the end of the day-time. So likewise His
saying, Illaa ’ashiyyatan aw duhaahaa, means, the end of a day
and its first part. Qataadah said, ‘This will be how the people view
the time of the world when they see the Hereafter.’"
- Al-Baghawee said, "Ka‘annahum: (i.e., it will be as if
they) meaning the disbelievers of Quraysh, when they see the Day of
Resurrection have not remained in the world, and it is said: in their
graves, Illaa ’ashiyyatan aw duhaahaa."
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning, when they arise from their graves for
the gathering, they will consider that their life-time in the world had been
very little, as if it had been the afternoon/evening of a day or its
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