- At-Tabaree said, "Wa aghtashaa lailahaa: He, the Most High,
says that He made the night of the heavens dark. So He attributed the night
to the heavens since the night comes with the setting of the sun, and its
setting and rising takes place in the heavens – so it is attributed to
them. Ibn ’Abbaas said, ‘He made it dark, (i.e.,
Aghtashaa) = (Adh-lamaa).’ And Mujaahid said the same.
Qataadah, Ibn Zaid, Ad-Dahhaak and ’Ikrimah …"
Wa Akhraja Duhaahaa: He says He brought out its light,
meaning, He manifested its day and gave light to it. And Mujaahid sais,
‘He gave light to it,’ and Qataadah said, ‘He caused its light
to shine.’
- Ash-Shawkaanee said, "Meaning, He manifested its bright day with
the light of the sun, and He referred to the day as the duhaa
(forenoon), since that is the most excellent and the best of its
Wal-Arda Ba’da dhaalika Dahaahaa
- At-Tabaree quotes to sayings. (i) That it means that
Allaah created the earth, then created the heavens, then spread out whatever
is upon the earth. (ii)
That it means that Allaah created
the earth and spread out whatever is upon it, then created the heavens.
Then at-Tabaree preferred the first saying, as did Ibn Katheer,
ash-Shawkaanee and as-Sa’dee. He says, "Since what is well-known is
that ba’da (after) is the opposite in meaning to qabl
(before)." Ibn ’Abbaas said, "That He mentioned that He
created the earth before the heavens, then mentioned the heavens before the
earth – and that is because Allaah created the earth along with its
provisions, but did not spread that out, before the heavens. Then He ascended
over the Heavens and made them seven heavens. He then spread out the earth over
that." Qataadah and Sufyaam both said regarding Dahaahaa, "He
spread it out." Ibn Zaid said, "He planted and split it."
- Ibn Katheer said, "He, the Most High, explained it with His saying
(i.e., aayah 31) (He produced its water and plants), and it has
preceded in Soorah Haa Meem as-Sajdah that the earth was created
before the creation of the heavens. However, it was spread out after the
creation of the heavens, meaning that He brought out of it the provision
that was within it. This is what Ibn ’Abbaas and others meant, and was
the preferred view of Ibn Jareer. And Ibn Abee Haatim narrated … from
Sa’eed ibn Jubayr, from Ibn ’Abbaas (regarding dahaahaa,
that he said), "Its spreading (dahy) is that He brought out of
it its water and plants, and split rivers from it, and put mountains, sands,
paths and chains of hills upon it."
- As-Sa’dee said, "Wal-Ardaa ba’da dhaalika: i.e.,
after the creation of the heavens dahaahaa: He placed in it those
things of benefit."
Akhraja minhaa Maa‘ahaa wa Mar’ahaa
- At-Tabaree said, "He caused rivers to flow in
it and caused its plants to grow."
- Ibn Katheer (see previous aayah )
- Ash-Sahwkaanee said, "Meaning, He caused rivers, oceans and springs
to flow upon the earth. Wa mar’aahaa, i.e., the plants which
(animals) graze upon, and this sentence is either an explanation of
dahaahaa (spreading out), since it cannot be suitable for habitation
by merely being spread out. Rather, that which is necessary for life, from
food and drink must also be provided, or it is an explanation of its
Wal-Jibaala Arsaahaa
- At-Tabaree said, "He says, ‘And He fixed the mountains firmly
upon it. Qataadah, ‘Meaning, He firmly fixed them so that it should
not shake with the people upon it.’"
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning, ‘He caused them to be settled,
firmly fixed and sound in their places, and He is the All-Wise, the
All-Knowing, the One Most Kind and merciful to His creation."
- At-Tabaree said, "He, the Most High, means that He created these
things, and brought out from the earth water and pasture, as a benefit, and
something to enjoy for a certain time period."
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning, ‘He laid out the earth, caused
its spring to gush out, brought out its hidden treasures, caused its rivers
to flow, brought out its crops, trees and fruits, and firmly fixed its
mountains, so that they with the people upon it should stable. He did all of
this for it to be of benefit to His creation and for the beasts which they
need for food and to ride upon. This is for the length of time which they
have need of this in this world, until the time period is completed and come
to an end."
Fa-idhaa Jaa‘atitaammatul-Kubraa
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