Seventhly: That in his saying, "Hal-laka"
"Would you …" (lit., "Is it for you …"),
contains a subtle point of benefit, which is: that the meaning is do you have a
need in that, and it is known that every person with intellect would hasten to
accept that since the one who calls to something will call to his own need and
benefit, not to the benefit of the one he is calling. So it is as if he were
saying, "It is you that has this need and you are the one who is to be
purified, and I will be a guide for you and lead you to the greatest of all
things beneficial for you. But he responded to this with kufr, obstinate
rejection and the claim that he was the Lord of all creation …"
Wa-Ahdiyaka Ilaa Rabbika fa-Takhsha At-Tabaree said, "He, the Most High, says to His Prophet
Moosaa, ‘Say to Pharoah, ‘Would you like that I should direct you to
that which will cause your Lord to be pleased with you. That being the true
religion, so that you may fear, meaning you may due to fear of His punishment
perform the obligatory duties He made binding upon you and avoid whatever sins
He has forbidden you from." Al-Bghawee said, "Meaning, ‘I call you to the
worship of your Lord and to singling Him out with tawheed, and that you
should fear His punishment.’" Ibn Katheer said, "Fa-takhshaa" meaning,
‘So that your heart should become humble to Him, and obedient and fearful
after having been hard and filthy and far removed from good."
- At-Tabaree said, "He, the Most High, says that Moosaa showed
Pharoah the greatest sign, meaning the greatest proof that he was a
Messenger of Allaah, sent by Him to him. This sign was the hand of Moosaa,
which when he put it out (shone) brightly for those who saw it. And his
staff which visibly turned into his snake. Mujaahid said "His staff and
his hand." Qataadah said, "His staff and his hand."
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning Moosaa showed him, along with his true
call a strong evidence and clear proof, showing the truth of what he brought
from Allaah."
- At-Tabaree said, "So Pharaoh denied by rejecting the miraculous
signs which Moosaa brought to him, and he disobeyed him with regard to the
command for him, for him to obey and fear his Lord."
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning, so he denied the truth and contradicted
the order for him to be obedient. So his heart disbelieved and did not
comply with Moosaa, inwardly or outwardly. Then his knowledge that what
Moosaa came with was the truth did not mean that he had eemaan in it,
since knowledge – recognition – is knowledge of the heart,
whereas eemaan is action and submission and compliance to the
Thumma Adbara Yas-’aa
- At-Tabaree said, "Then he turned away from the obedience to his
Lord that Moosaa called him to, and away from fearing him and worshipping
him alone – and he strove in doing actions of disobedience to Allaah,
which would bring His Anger upon him. Mujaahid said, ‘He acted
- Al-Baghawee said, "He turned away from eemaan and performed
corruption upon the earth."
- Ibn Katheer said, "Meaning, he opposed the truth with falsehood,
which was that he gathered the sorcerers to counter the clear miracles that
Moosaa, ’alaihis-salaam, came with."
- Sa’dee said, "Meaning, he strove hard in opposing and
fighting the truth."
Fa-hashara Fa naadaa
- At-Tabaree said, "So he gathered his people and his followers and
called to them, saying, "I am you Lord, the Most High, such that every
lord is lesser than me—and the stupid fool lied. Ibn Zaid
said, ‘He shouted out and gathered his people and called them. So when
they gathered, he said, ‘I am your Lord, the Most High.’ So
Allaah took him and punished him for the first and latter of his
Fa-Qaalaa Ana Rabbukumul-A’laa
- At-Tabaree said, "So he gathered his people and his followers and
called out to them, saying, ‘I am the Lord, such that every lord is
lesser than me,’—and the stupid fool lied."
Fa-Akhadhullaahu Nakaalal-Aakhirati wal-Oolaa
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